Norton Appointments 508-212-7714 | Wayland Appointments 508-733-4370


Before beginning any diet program, if you have any questions or concerns about your physical condition or your dietary requirements, we suggest that you consult your personal physician. This is a chemical diet and must be followed exactly.

Take 2 Glasses of water before breakfast.


  1. ½ grapefruit
  2. 3 egg fixed any way *
  3. 2 slices bacon, (microwave) crisp and drained on paper towel *
  4. 1 Glass of water

Take 2 Glasses of water before lunch.


  1. ½ grapefruit
  2. Fish, meat or poultry, any amount fixed any way but fried *
  3. 1 Glass of water

Take 2 Glasses of water before lunch.


  1. ½ grapefruit
  2. Fish, meat or poultry, any amount fixed any way but fried*
  3. Dry green salad (lemon and oil dressing may be used if you need it) *
  4. Green, yellow or red vegetable *
  5. 1 Glass of water

* Until you feel satisfied Remember:

  • You may have limited amounts of black coffee or tea. You may use a sugar substitute if needed or agave.
  • Eat until you are full at each meal. The more you can eat of the proper combination, the more you lose.
  • Don’t eliminate anything. For example don’t eliminate bacon at breakfast or salad at dinner.
  • Grapefruit is very important because it acts as a catalyst that starts the fat burning process.
  • No eating between meals. Eat this combination of foods until you are full!