Norton Appointments 508-212-7714 | Wayland Appointments 508-733-4370

Boston Woman, 40's Smooths Thigh Cellulite w/ Bodywraps & Velashape Wayland, MA

Procedure Details


Velashape with Body Wraps

Cellulite is found in 85-98% of women. It is a hernniation of subcutaneous fat within the fibrous connective tissue that creates skin dimpling and puckering of the skin. It's often found on the pelvic region, buttocks, lower limbs and abdomen. 

Forever Slender's specialized medical grade body wraps work to enhance the health and appearance of you skin by detoxing, elimating water retention and helping you lose inches immediatly.

Velashape is an innovative non invasive treatment for body conturing and cellulite reduction that is FDA approved and clinically proven to smooth skin and treat cellulite without downtime or significant discomfort.

Wraps and Velashpe combined create a leathal combination to combat stubborn cellulite! Let our medical specailist treat you today! 

Call or text us at 508 733-4370 or email at info@ to set up your appointment today!

Forever Slender MedSpa 

109 Andrew Ave

Wayland, MA



Forever Slender MedSpa

*All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.