Dec 14 from 3-5. Annual Holiday Stroll at the Wayland Town Center! Hot Chocolate and great specials. Reserve your spot by calling 508-733-4370!

Boston Woman, 38, Reduced Her Back Fat Nonsurgically in Wayland, MA

Procedure Details


Peramantly Eliminate Your Fat!

Do you have stubborn areas of excess fat on your body that you would like to remove? CoolSculpting Elite is the number one non surgical treatment to permanantly remove excess fat for good!!

No knifes, needles or downtime needed! Want to learn more about the amazing benefits and results of CoolSculpting Elite?

Call/Text to Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Forever Slender MedSpa - Wayland and Norton, MA

109 Andrew Ave Wayland, MA - 508-733-4370

85 E Main St. Norton, MA - 508-212-7714




Forever Slender MedSpa

*All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.