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Wellesley Woman Rocks Her Abdominal Muscles CoolTone Treatments in Wayland, MA

Procedure Details


CoolTone Transformation!

Patient came into Forever Slender MedSpa, the #1 CoolTone Center in New England, looking for firmer and toner abs. After her consultation, she ordered a package of eight CoolTone sessions. Her after photo was taken immediately following her last treatment. She was so happy to have achieved the results she was longing for!

Cooltone is a FDA-cleared nonsurgical magnetic muscle stimulation. It is designed to trigger strong muscle contractions  your body simply cannot achieve on its own, and seesions are just 30 minutes! You can treat your abs, glutes or thighs to be firmer and have a ripped and toned apperance.

Want to learn more about Cooltone? Call or text Forever Slender MedSpa in Wayland Massachusetts at 508-733-4370 or email [email protected] 

Forever Slender MedSpa 

109 Andrew Ave Wayland, MA 01778


Forever Slender MedSpa

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