Norton Appointments 508-212-7714 | Wayland Appointments 508-733-4370

Woman from Framingham, MA Forehead Wrinkles Eliminated in Wayland, MA

Procedure Details


Botox Line Eliminator

Are your forehead lines making you blue?! Like many of us, we struggle with lines and wrinkles that start appearing on our forehead. They can make us appear more tired, aged and less youthful. Have no fear! Forever Slender MedSpa is here to help!! With Botox cosmetics and our incredible master injector we can eliminate your stubburn wrinkles! 

Learn more on how to eliminate your forehead wrinkles when you schedule to meet with our nurse!

Forever Slender MedSpa - Wayland

Call/text us at 508-733-4370

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Forever Slender MedSpa - Norton

85 E. Main St


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Forever Slender MedSpa

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