Norton Appointments 508-212-7714 | Wayland Appointments 508-733-4370

Can Body Wraps Tighten My Waistline?

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Why Body Wraps are Necessary

As we go about our days, our bodies generate and accumulate harmful toxins. These toxins can be naturally generated through your natural processes of eating and maintaining normal bodily functions.

The toxin generation process could also be accelerated through poor dietary choices:

  • Drinking coffee with whipped cream and sugar, whether regular or a sugar substitute
  • Ice cream
  • Saturated fats
  • Processed foods
  • Cured Meats
  • Potato chips
  • Nachos
  • Etc., Etc.

A lack of exercise and sedentary behavior also will limit your body’s ability to expel toxins as your metabolism will slow down, gumming up your internal plumbing systems. Over time a large amount of toxins will build up around your fat cells, trapped and unhelpful to your overall good health.


How Do Body Wraps Work and What Do They Do?


Body wraps work through fat compression, heat, and the administration of lotions and creams. The wraps are tightly wound around the area being wrapped, which usually includes the abdomen but frequently also in other areas.

What makes the wrap so effective in freeing and releasing trapped toxins is the combination of the three elements.


  • The compression causes added pressure to the wrapped body part, causing the newly tightened area to naturally look for ways to release
  • The additional heat naturally increases the circulation within the area and causes those toxins to break free or to be forced released from between the jelly like fat cells
  • The creams and lotions are designed and used to minimize the appearance of cellulite and increase your fat burn rate


How Fast Will I See Results from a Body Wrap?

Immediately! The best part about body wraps is you do not need to wait to see your results!

  • Body wraps have been proven a lifesaver for so many people. Forever Slender MedSpa in Wayland, MA has helped everyone from:
  • Those who just must fit a dress at an event the coming weekend
  • Military personnel facing their annual measurement and physical
  • Brides
  • Wedding party members
  • Miss Massachusetts contestants (and winner)
  • “The Bachelor” contestants
  • Professional athletes
  • Soon to be graduates
  • An incredible other number of scenarios

Forever Slender MedSpa, Massachusetts #1 Medical Spa

Nobody is better at enabling our patients to look and feel their best, whether through immediate tightening with a body wrap, through nonsurgical fat elimination using the amazing new CoolSculpting Elite. We have helped so many stars and leading professionals to lose fat and weight and fat, it is no wonder why are so highly rated.

We have the most highly trained team, enabling us to deliver the most phenomenal fat elimination results. Why would you go anywhere else?

Thousands of Forever Slender MedSpa patients have also lost years off their faces and bodies with our other tremendous product and services, including:


Neurotoxin usage with Botox, Daxxify and Dysport have been growing exponentially around the world. Dermal Fillers for filling in eye and cheek hollows, building lip volume, etc., have also grown year after year because study after study have shown them as safe and effective treatments. Forever Slender MedSpa, the #1 Medical Spa in Massachusetts located in Wayland, and Norton, has repeatedly proven there are effective wrinkle reduction results available for you with us Botox, Daxxify, HSA Filler, UltraLift and treatments and procedures.

Incredible Face Analysis

Forever Slender MedSpa rigorously evaluates your individual concerns before treating you. New clients are provided a high-quality free face and neck evaluation.

We track our patients every three months to ensure you progress according to your plan, enabling you will stay ahead of your face and neck aging concerns. With our high- tech analysis devices, we see below the visible layer of your skin to see developing issues not yet visible. Our process enables you to stay wrinkle free and eliminate unwanted spots of assorted colors before they surface for the world to see, keeping you beautiful and youthful much longer!

We also recommend upping your collagen and skin elasticity with medical grade Environ treatments and serums available at Forever Slender MedSpa, the #1 Medical Spa in Massachusetts.

Check out other amazing Forever Slender MedSpa procedures here!

Ready to Change Your Life Forever? Call or Text to Set Up Your Consultation Today

You deserve to love your body again

109 Andrew Avenue Wayland, Massachusetts 01778 - (508) 733-4370

85 E Main Street Norton, Massachusetts 02766 - (508) 212-7714

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.