Are You Treating Your Skin Correctly?
We are all aging, but we want to hold onto our younger body – especially once we approach and pass by our late 20’s. As those early years pass into the past, those issues only continue to grow.
What can we do as many of us will be faced with:
- Wrinkles
- Crepey skin
- Varicose veins
- Spider veins
- Itchy skin
- Dermatitis
- Saggy skin
- Keratosis
- Brown Spots
- Red Spots
- Melasma
- So many more!
Women are barraged with a huge number of face, body and skin treatment options every day. You can’t go past a skin counter at your favorite store without having someone (who may or may not have any idea what they are talking about) telling you how to cure your skin care issues.
Many of us get our information online – by Googling the issue we believe we have and buying a product which may or may not address that issue. On the surface this idea has merit - you can save a lot of money buying products online. With luck, you’ll hit the right solution and be able to find the right treatment for your problem.
It is often hard to tell if the treatment on websites were actually written by a manufacturer trying to steer to their product, leading you to buy another product which doesn’t work and fills up your shelf. No savings there!
Even experienced skin care professionals often treat the symptoms instead of the causes of the problems they see. Why is that? Simple – they are treating what they can see on the surface while the cause of the problem is generally deep into your dermis. When you treat symptoms rather than causes, the best results you will get will be temporary and might flare up again anytime.

What to do?
At Forever Slender MedSpa in Wayland, and Norton, Massachusetts, we have heard your tales of woe and have a solution which eliminates treatment uncertainty. We show our patients you should (and should not) focus upon for treatment using the 7th Generation Visia Skin Analysis device. Our patients see exactly the issues they have within their skin – including issues below the skin surface which have not yet become visible!
Can your favorite skin care consultant give you an analysis of your UV damage or Porphyrins (Bacterial excretions lodged in your pores) like these?

Forever Slender MedSpa can – and we will analyze you for wrinkles, red and brown spots, your overall skin age vs. your peers and more!
You’ve never had a better analysis of your issues and a plan for how to treat those issues than you will with us!
Forever Slender MedSpa cares about you and your health. We are ready and waiting for the opportunity to show you how we can make you feel better about your body and skin.
Call or text Forever Slender MedSpa today to set up your appointment !
Wayland, MA - 109 Andrew Ave. (508) 773-4370
Norton, MA - 85 E Main St. (508) 212-7714