Customize the Possibilities

About the xeo Laser
When faced with the task of knowing how to revitalize your skin to look healthy, nourished, and young, it helps to be well-versed in the nonsurgical techniques and laser technologies available today. At Cutera Face + Body Aesthetic Solutions, we understand that you want to take care of the health and appearance of your skin without surgery. That is why we have spent years developing state-of-the-art laser systems that offer nonsurgical aesthetic treatments, providing exceptional results without the time and expense of surgery. You may be at an age where you desire anti-aging treatments to refresh your maturing skin, or you could be a young adult with varying skin problems such as acne, blemishes, and other surface imperfections. In addition, both men and women deal with specific issues such as unsightly spider veins, sun damage, excessive body hair, and other issues that could be removed and enhanced all with the power of one laser. We are proud to introduce the Cutera xeo, a multi-modality platform laser system, capable of remedying your aesthetic concerns.
Best Candidates
Men and women of all ages can benefit from the power of the xeo technology for many different reasons and for a combination of skin conditions. Anti-aging candidates who are battling fine lines and wrinkles due to maturing skin, as well as those with acne, breakouts, acne scars, blemishes, and other dermatological conditions can benefit with an xeo treatment. Individuals with sun-damaged skin resulting in pigmentation irregularities, dark patches, freckles, and sunspots may also be effectively treated with the xeo system. Finally, men and women who have noticeable veins and vascular lesions on the face and body can benefit from the power of xeo. Cutera’s xeo is one system engineered to treat a number of common skin conditions.
Your Consultation
To understand which laser treatment will work best for your specific cosmetic issue, the first step is a consultation with your practitioner for a thorough skin assessment. We all have similar characteristics to our skin, but we also have subtle variations and combinations of skin conditions that deserve distinct levels of care. During your skin assessment and consultation, your skin will be analyzed and your aesthetic goals will be discussed. A treatment plan will be created to offer you a smoother, brighter, younger-looking complexion. During the consult, you will likely be asked about your lifestyle so that expectations for treatment and the results can also be discussed. You can expect a "before" photo of your troublesome area that will be used with a comparison photo taken of your final results.
Before Your Treatment
Once your treatment plan has been established and the appointment is set for your procedure, your laser provider may give you some instructions to follow before and after the treatment. Many will request that you come to the appointment with clean skin. This means no self-tanning lotions, makeup, perfumes, or skin creams or regular lotions on the surface of your skin. It is also important to avoid alcohol, tobacco, and ibuprofen before your treatment to control swelling and bruising.
What to Expect
Many of our xeo laser treatments can be performed in under an hour or less. You will spend more time in a treatment room if you have a large amount of area to cover or are having several treatments done at once. Your practitioner should explain all that is involved during a treatment session during your consultation. As there are so many different applications with the xeo technology, each treatment will have its own healing period and when you will see your final results. Your xeo provider can give you a better description of what your recovery period will look and feel like, estimate you timeline for results to appear, and when to repeat the treatment if it is necessary.