Dec 14 from 3-5. Annual Holiday Stroll at the Wayland Town Center! Hot Chocolate and great specials. Reserve your spot by calling 508-733-4370!


For this phase, make wise decisions and choose only one of the different options below. In this phase we are going to combine carbohydrates from fruits and grains with lean protein. Dedicate yourself to a clean eating lifestyle and you will lose weight. The big benefits go beyond weight loss. You’ll stay healthy and have more energy. Your skin and hair will glow, your teeth and gums will be healthier, your eyes will look brighter and alert and the most important part is you won’t be hungry! Eat six small meals, or cut your dinner in half. Take as soon as you get-up 2 EFA – 1 KLB-5 – 2 Trim Away


  1. 8oz. Protein Drink
  2. 6 or 8 oz of low fat and no sugar Greek yogurt or 3 or 4 egg whites and vegetables or 1 cup of oatmeal with ½ cup of 1% lactose free milk
  3. ½ cup of fruit (any kind of berries, apples, banana, etc.) or 1 slice of whole bread.
  4. Coffee or tea with artificial sweetener


  1. 8oz. Protein Drink
  2. ½ cup raw veggies (cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, celery, cucumber, red or green peppers, broccoli) with light salad dressing (optional) -or- Small apple -or- ½ of your favorite fruit

½ hour before lunch 1 KLB-5


  1. 8oz. Protein Drink
  2. white meat until you are satisfied
  3. 2 cups of vegetables -or- salad
  4. ½ cup of rice or pasta or 1 slice of wheat bread or 1 small tortilla or quinoa


  • 1 Protein bar

½ hour before dinner 1 KLB-5


  1. 8oz. of Protein Drink
  2. Unlimited amount of meat, fish or chicken breast cooked in olive oil/butter spray
  3. 1 cup of cooked vegetables (any color – green, red or yellow)

Take 1 multivitamin


  • 1 protein drink or bar, 1 cup of popcorn without salt or butter or ½ cup of oatmeal (Optional – if still hungry)

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!By now you can recognize if you crave more sweet or salty foods. During this last phase you will start to take control and make you own food decisions. If you have an event or dinner to attend, maybe involving drinks, feel free to do it without feeling guilty but think ahead that day or reorganize your day mentally. What do you need to eat, for example? Eat less earlier that day and enjoy your party! The next day go back to your routine with more proteins and less carbohydrates and you will know you never, ever are going to gain weight because you have taken control of your life!!