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Check Out Before and After Pictures Eliminating Fat with CoolSculpting!

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Stop Accepting Excess Fat as Your New Normal!

Forever Slender MedSpa, the #1 Medical Spa in Massachusetts and located in Wayland, MA and Norton, MA, has shown time and time again to our patients there is reason for hope for a slimmer you. Forever Slender MedSpa is a CoolSculpting Elite Provider. We have eliminated fat from thousands of patients and can and will help you too if you give us a call!

Check out our other before and after pictures to see we are experts in delivering results wherever we CoolSculpt – and when you have finished eliminating fat with CoolSculpting, we’ll help deliver rock hard abdominals with CoolTone too! 


How CoolSculpting at Forever Slender MedSpa Can Change Your Life

We understand how person it is for anyone to come to talk to us about eliminating excess fat. These fat issues are sometimes a short-term issue where something happened to cause you to pack on the pounds recently but in most cases our clients have struggled with unwanted weight and unwanted fat for many years.

We know we will never know many diets you have undertaken and how many times you’ve tried to lose weight through various exercise programs. Forever Slender MedSpa staff take pride in not making you feel like just the next person in line. You have a soul, and so do we! Check out our patient testimonials to understand how our patients really feel about the quality of the services they received at Forever Slender! 

Though the results vary slightly from person to person, you can expect to lose up to 25% of the fat you have in the treatment area. Many people prefer to schedule a second round of treatments a few months after the initial treatment because they know they will lose up to 25% of whatever fat remains from the initial CoolSculpting treatment. 

The before and after pictures above show how dramatic the results can be – the “after” picture here is after only a single treatment and she came in for a second treatment to eliminate additional fat too.

Rock Your Core – Develop Great Muscles Your Friends Will Envy With CoolTone for Your Abdominals, Thighs and Butt!

Many of our CoolSculpting Elite patients follow their amazing CoolSculpting fat burning treatments with CoolTone treatments to build fantastic core muscle in their abdominal muscles, butt’s and thighs. There really is nothing like having muscle stimulations to work your core as if you performed tens of thousands of situps in a 30-minute session!

To build up the muscle you need a series of sessions, but generally, 8-10 treatments within a few weeks will show results you will be proud to show off at the pool!

Maintenance after CoolSculpting/CoolTone Treatments

Forever Slender also offers our amazing body wraps which are fantastic as well. Body wraps do not kill fat cells or build muscle like our Cool treatments, but they are amazing at detoxification. Every day, our bodies create toxins which should be eliminated through our natural elimination systems but in reality, some toxins created each day are not removed and build up within us.

Sometimes those toxins are obvious in bloating or water weight gain but in many other cases the toxins are simply built up and built into our bodies, making us feel sluggish and fat and generally slowing down our natural processes.

Body Wraps are thus a fantastic maintenance process. We have some patients who have been coming for a weekly wrap for many years simply because they enjoy the relaxation of the wrap and the way they feel afterwards. Wraps have the additional advantage of immediate results.

To keep the pounds off we also recommend following our nutritional plan. We offer carb blockers, KLB-5 and other amazing and actually yummy protein supplements which will provide you a go-to snack when you are having the mid-day snack-attack!

Ready to Learn Why Forever Slender MedSpa is the Top Medical Spa in Massachusetts?

We offer exceptional care, and our consultations are complimentary. Don’t worry, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions about our treatment recommendations and you’ll love the results you receive just as everyone else who has walked through our doors.

We offer amazing weight loss and core muscle building services – Body Wraps, CoolSculpting Elite, CoolTone, Velashape III cellulite reduction.

Set up your complimentary face analysis to learn how Forever Slender MedSpa can help you with your face, skin, wrinkle and acne concerns. We promise our face analysis is 100% better than any you’ve experienced before. 

We offer Injectables, Microneedling RF with PRP and more. We also remove spots, warts, hair and also regrow lost hair too! 

Ready to Change Your Life? Call or Text Forever Slender MedSpa Today!

109 Andrew Avenue Wayland, Massachusetts - (508) 733-4370

85 E Main St. Norton, Massachusetts - (508) 212-7714

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.