Dec 14 from 3-5. Annual Holiday Stroll at the Wayland Town Center! Hot Chocolate and great specials. Reserve your spot by calling 508-733-4370!

Rock That Dress- Start CoolSculpting at Least Six Months Before Your Wedding Day

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Look Amazing on Your Amazing Day!

You are only going to do this once – hopefully – so you want to look your best. Those pictures are going to be up on people's walls and available electronically forevermore so heck ya you’ve gotta rock it!

Fortunately, even with all the stress every bride puts herself under, it doesn’t have to be as hard as it may seem to be everything you want to be on the big day. Just plan ahead a little bit and you’ll be fine.

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How CoolSculpting Can Make You Look Great on Your Wedding Day

CoolSculpting Elite is an amazing technology and service where you can kill 20-30% of the fat cells in any area treated. CoolSculpting Elite can eliminate fat on your:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Back Fat
  • Bra Fat
  • Moobs (Man Boobs)
  • Inner Thighs
  • Outer Thighs
  • Double Chin
  • Spare Tire
  • Knees
  • Muffin Tops
  • More...

As a comparison to demonstrate the uniqueness of the ability to kill fat cells, if you were to starve yourself and start running daily marathons, you would not kill a single fat cell!

Reducing calories, either by a little or a lot, will shrink fat cells but will not eliminate them. Shrunk fat cells can and will plump right back up the next time you had a few Starbucks Lattes.

Kill those fat cells and they are removed and gone. That’s what CoolSculpting does.

Why Do I Need to Start CoolSculpting 4-6+ Months Before My Wedding?

CoolSculpting works tremendously well but also takes time for full results. Many people do a single round of treatments and are happy but while you might start to see results within three weeks, it takes three months to see the full benefits of the treatment.

Many people need or desire a second round of CoolSculpting treatments to achieve even better results, but you can’t treat the same area you just treated too early since the body needs time to flush out those dead cells. You’ll want to significantly up your water intake after CoolSculpting to help your body move out those dead cells as quickly as possible.

When you give yourself four plus months you have plenty of time to flush out the first round of dead cells and move onto the next! We’ve helped so many couples prepare for their weddings and we’d love to help you too!

About Forever Slender MedSpa

Forever Slender is the #1 Medical Spa in New England for two reasons:

  • We care. Everyone who walks through our door is worthy of the best experience we can offer.
  • We deliver results to our patients.

Our patients and clients have come to us for years because they know they can trust us. We offer free face analysis which will show you exactly which treatments you need. Sometimes it isn’t what you think!

Among our weight loss and core muscle building services – Body Wraps, CoolSculpting Elite, CoolTone, Cellulite.

Interested in face and wrinkle treatments? Come in for Injectables, Microneedling RF with PRP, HydraFacial UltraLift and more.

Want to remove spots, warts, etc.? We do those and remove and regrow hair!

Ready to Change Your Life? Call or Text Forever Slender MedSpa Today!

109 Andrew Avenue, Wayland, MA - (508) 733-4370

85 E Main St. Norton, MA - (508) 212-7714

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.